Sunday, January 10, 2010

Of scholarship and solemnization

My scholarship application is on hold, still. I don't know what makes them hold my application for so long. I have exactly 6 weeks before the semester start, and still I don't know if I'm going or not.

I remember my friends asked why I couldn't just get the solemnization ceremony over with, so that everything would be much simpler if I do get to go. I did not consider the option because I believed his mom wouldn't agree with it, since my going is still unconfirmed.

But I've given the idea a consideration since a few days ago.

I told my mom yesterday that maybe we can get the solemnization ceremony done first, so that if I get to go, he can easily come with me. At least we won't be terribly busy to prepare for the solemnization and departure later. After all, sooner or later, we'll be married anyway, won't we?

If my family and his family accept the idea, then we'll be married in a month or so.

Nothing much needs to be done anyway. We just need to take the HIV test, fill in some forms, and book a tok kadi. We've made our solemnization outfits and bought things for hantaran, so those only need a little bit of touch up. Other than that, we'll need to buy a pair of rings, and that basically it.

Anyway, this is still an idea. Nothing is confirmed, as always.


  1. a month???oh myyy!!
    aminn!may Allah make ease for you!!

  2. thanks timmc. tapi my mom tak cakap kat my dad lagi la~ T__T

  3. pushie.. i hope everything is ok.. jage diri baik.. sebab darah manis. ok?

    yang penting. kami mau KAD WANGI korang.. hihi
